Reading Lists
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"New Adult" Fiction

Books featuring 18- 30-somethings.

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Bestseller Express Reads

Popular reads from our 7-day shelf -  many can also be found in our New Books area.

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Dive into a different world.

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Great Historical Fiction

Chosen from a list of 50 of the best historical novels.

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Jane Austen Spinoffs

Some of the many books that are retellings of Jane Austen's classics.

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New Biographies

[No description provided]

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New Graphic Novels

New releases, both fiction and nonfiction.

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Travel, Real and Fictional

Travel memoirists and characters in novels share their journeys.

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Believe in the Impossible

Take a trip to lands of incredible creatures and never-ending adventures. These books will take you to faraway places and beyond! Imagine Your Story and believe in the impossible.